Smudge & Sage


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Smudging is something I do regularly on my clients during their Crystal Therapy Session and it works really well. 

I also smudge my crystals and myself before I meditate.

The energy exchange that happens when you burn sage is quite remarkable and it has been scientifically proven that the smoke from the sage attaches to any negative energy in the air, as the smoke then dissipates it carries the energy with it which transmutes from negative to positive. Sage actually changes the ionic composition in the air so you sense the difference in the atmosphere immediately.

Burning the sage in the shell not only provides safety but incorporates the elements of the sea in the whole process.

I also burn Palo santo aromatic wood which is deeply protective too and leaves a wonderful scent. I personally like to clear the energies with sage then finish with a flourish of Palo santo smoke to leave deep protection.

Here is a collection of my smudge and sage products

Crystal Smudging Kit which contains – Large Abalone Shell, Dried White Sage, Stick of Palo Santo scented wood, Amethyst bed, Hematite Tumbled crystal plus Feathers

Large Sage Bundle – approximately 15cm in length

Yerba Santa Smudge Bundle – sometimes known as the Holy Herb or Bears Weed. It has a more complex and aromatic scent that White Sage. You can even see the essential oils sizzling in the leaves as you burn it. When smudging with Yerba Santa it allows a releasing effect around the chest and heart, clearing away excess blocked emotions whilst opening up the Heart Chakra, making this a perfect companion to burn prior and during meditation.

Palo Santo Bundle – the Palo Santo tree is native to the Amazon Rainforest is grown across South America. This fragrant wood and its oil brings about deep cleansing and protection both in yourself and in your home. When burnt, it is a perfect addition to your meditation ritual. Each Palo Santo stick measures approximately 10 – 11 cm long and each bundle contains 3 sticks.

Sari Sage Bundle – in this healing and clearing bundle you get a whole load of Californian White Sage all responsibly sourced. A stunning Clear Quartz Point Crystal to fill yourself or your home with light and power. A sprig of organic Lavender. All wrapped in a recycled ethical Sari Silk Ribbon


Safety Notice – never leave burning sage, Yerba Santa or Palo Santo unattended.

smudge & Sage

Large Sage Bundle, Palo Santo Bundle, Sari Sage Bundle, Smudge Kit, Yerba Santa Smudge Stick


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